Join The Responsive Revolution

Join The Responsive Revolution

In today’s fast-paced, evolving digital age, more people than ever before are accessing information via smartphones and tablets, and switching between devices as they move from the office to home and everywhere in between. It is therefore surprising that a vast majority of businesses, particularly SMEs, have dated websites that are incompatible with mobile devices, resulting in lost revenue and a failure to join the responsive revolution.

Responsive web design is not limited to fixed screen sizes; instead it moves flexibly to suit different devices. Of course what looks good on one screen size could look squashed and overwhelmingly cluttered on another. Great responsive designs overcome these challenges by automatically adjusting the layout to accommodate the relevant screen size. Given the intelligent nature of responsive web design – sites are built on scenarios rather than fixed widths and device-led requirements – this is something all businesses should be developing to ensure their brands and reputation remain intact.

Some companies try to move with the times by developing mobile-ready sites and some choose to create different types of websites for different applications and devices. This approach can often lead to confusing messages and disjointed branding, leaving the visitor wondering if the service offering – and company – really exist at all. A brand’s credibility could be left in tatters despite the investment made in attempting to strengthen an online presence.

With the rise of Microsoft Office 365, more companies are changing the way they work. Mobility and agility are the current buzz words in the tech world. Being able to access your website across multiple devices and platforms whilst on the go will certainly set you apart from the competition.

Of course, cold hard analytics cannot go unnoticed here and it is well documented that Google supports responsive web design, which means these websites will naturally rank higher than those built in traditional formats. Google’s preferences are based on multiple factors and responsive web design fulfils many of these with ease. Responsive sites use a single URL, which allows Google to crawl the site quickly and easily. Combined with the fact responsive design offers the best possible user experience, these websites will undoubtedly feature at the top of the online hit parade.

Optimising websites with great content, strong keywords and regular updates will get great results but until you respond to the next generation of web design, you and your company will be left in the dark ages.

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